Practical information

What are the opening hours ?


Open Wednesday to Sunday *

 *Open 7/7 during Vaud school vacations

November - February : 10:00 → 17:30

Last entry at 16:00

March - May : 09:30 → 18:00

Last entry at 16:30

June - September : 09:30 → 18:30

Open Monday "Jeûne Fédéral"

Last entry at 17:00

Octobre : 09:30 → 18:00

Last entry at 16:30

The Fort, a historic monument, is not suitable for visitors in wheelchairs. On the other hand, it can be visited with friends/family who help you up the few steps at the entrance and along the route.

As we care about the welfare of the animals, we thank you for not bringing them to Fort de Chillon museum (except guide dogs for the visually impaired and people with reduced mobility).

The information is available in 4 languages the signposted route. Some cutscenes are available in 11 languages versions. The perfect opportunity to take the tour at your own pace.

Dry air and ideal temperature of 19°</strong in every season. Warm in winter and cool in summer. Bring a small sweater if you are cold.

What are the rates ?

Individual ticket : 25 CHF
16 years and over

Discounterd ticket : 17 CHF
Children aged 6 to 15, students, invalidity pensioners, people with reduced mobility

64+ ticket : 20 CHF

Families : 70 CHF
up to 2 adults, 2 children aged 6 and over

Children : Free
Ages 0 to 5


You can take advantage of Riviera-Card discounts at the Fort de Chillon museum.

Ask your hotel for details.

Passeport Loisirs

For Leisure Pass holders, please make your reservation by phone at + 41 21 552 44 55

Rail Away CFF 

Take advantage of our combined offer “SBB train ticket + entry to Fort de Chillon” on the cff website

Chillon Castle 

Take advantage of a CHF 5 discount on your admission ticket to the Fort de Chillon on presentation of your Chillon Castle receipt.

How do I get there?

By car

A9 freeway, Montreux or Villeneuve exit.

Fort de Chillon is located on the lakeside between Montreux (4 km) and Villeneuve (2 km).
Calculate your route with Michelin or Google Maps.

Free parking in front of the Fort (parking disc required)

By bus

VMCV bus route Route 201

The “Chillon” bus stop is located in front of the fort and provides a comfortable and stress-free journey to and from Montreux.

By train

Direct train to Montreux (4 km) or regional train to “Veytaux-Chillon” (300 m).

Consult the SBB timetable.

By boat

The CGN landing stage is located at the entrance to Fort de Chillon museum.

Get off at the “Château-de-Chillon” stop and walk along the lake for 3 minutes.


By foot

If you feel like it, why not take a stroll along the “chemin fleuri” (flowery path) that runs alongside the lake, away from the traffic? The Fort can be reached in 45 minutes (4 km) from Montreux and 20 minutes (2 km) from Villeneuve.

Not far from the Fort is a beach where you can swim (unsupervised).

Tour operator

Free parking for coaches.

A9 freeway, Montreux or Villeneuve exit.

Fort de Chillon is located on the lakeside between Montreux (4 km) and Villeneuve (2 km).
Calculate your route with Michelin or Google Maps.

Free parking in front of the fort (parking disk required, available free of charge at the entrance to the fort).

How do I get there?

By car

A9 freeway, Montreux or Villeneuve exit.

Fort de Chillon is located on the lakeside between Montreux (4 km) and Villeneuve (2 km).
Calculate your route with Michelin or Google Maps.

Free parking in front of the Fort (parking disc required)

By bus

VMCV bus route Route 201

The “Chillon” bus stop is in front of the Fort for a comfortable, stress-free journey to and from Montreux or Villeneuve.

By train

Direct train to Montreux (4 km) or regional train to “Veytaux-Chillon” (300 m).

Consult the SBB timetable.


By boat

The CGN landing stage is close to the Fort de Chillon museum.

Get off at the “Château-de-Chillon” station and stroll along the lake for 3 minutes.

You've reached your destination !

By foot

If you feel like it, why not take a stroll along the “chemin fleuri” that runs alongside the lake on Montreux's quayside? Protected from road traffic, you can reach the Fort in 45 minutes (4 km) from Montreux and 20 minutes (2 km) from Villeneuve.

Not far from the Fort is a beach where you can swim (unsupervised).

Tour operator

A9 freeway, Montreux or Villeneuve exit.

Fort de Chillon is located on the lakeside between Montreux (4 km) and Villeneuve (2 km).
Calculate your route with Michelin or Google Maps.

Free parking in front of the Fort (parking disc required, available free of charge at the Fort de Chillon museum entrance).


Is it cold in the Fort ?

Not at all ! Thanks to its dry air and ideal temperature of 19° any the season, a visit to the Fort de Chillon Museum is ideal when it's raining or hot.


We do not yet offer guided tours. Discover the Fort de Chillon museum on your own, thanks to the map provided at reception. Simply follow the arrows on the ground and go at your own pace for a unique, personalized experience.


Reservations are not compulsory, but they are highly recommended to avoid waiting during peak periods. The Fort de Chillon museum can only welcome a limited number of visitors per time slot, to guarantee safety and comfort.  


We propose a all-inclusive formula (visit, cake and goodies) for children, inviting up to 10 guests. For full details, click here.

For adults, it's possible to organize a birthday party. by reserving a private room or a meal at the Bistrot du Soldat. Make your birthday party unforgettable in a unique setting!

How narrow is the Fort ?

No more than at home ! The Fort's corridors are wide and well-lit. The scenography will make your visit pleasant and peaceful.

How long does the visit last ?

The average length of a visit is 1h30 to 2h00. (Allow a minimum of 2h30 to do a full immersive experience !)

Can I bring my pet ?

To ensure the well-being of your animals, We thank you to not take them to the Fort de Chillon museum (with the exception of guide dogs for the visually impaired and people with reduced mobility). Please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone on 021 552 44 55 or by email at


The Fort de Chillon Museum, a historic monument, is unfortunately not suitable for wheelchair users. It can be visited, however, if you are accompanied by people who can help you climb the few steps at the entrance and along the route.